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Sustainability & Business Model Cohort

Cohort Goals

At the end of the process, cohort participants will have:

  • An in-depth understanding of the business model as pictured by the matrix map that they can easily share with board and staff.
  • An understanding of the true cost, profitability and impact of each activity in which the organization engages.
  • Initial strategic priorities to strengthen the business model and sustainability.
  • Access to and knowledge of tools to monitor and refine the business model over time, giving the organization the flexibility to address opportunities and bumps in the road.

Our Approach to Sustainability

Financial sustainability doesn’t happen in isolation by finding a new revenue strategy.  Rather, greater sustainability is achieved when there is alignment between the impact an organization has and the revenue strategy that supports it. Therefore, our sustainability work is focused on the organization’s business model and includes understanding the true costs of each activity the nonprofit engages in and the impact it delivers.  By aligning these components, the impact and financial strategies become reinforcing – growing and evolving as the organization achieves its mission.

What is “sustainable” is constantly changing as the environment in which organizations operate changes. Sustainability is an orientation, not a destination.  As such, our process promotes shared leadership over the business model and a common understanding of the organization’s impact and financial drivers. We leverage tools and templates throughout that allow leaders to surface options and make ongoing strategic decisions to meet the dual-bottom line of their organizations.

Process Overview

Our process (which includes both virtual and in-person components) revolves around the matrix map – a visual depiction of an organization’s business model.  Using the matrix map to provide shared understanding and knowledge, leadership can engage in discussions about how to strengthen the business model, informed by market influences and revenue analysis. Importantly, the matrix map helps break down silos, allowing everyone from direct service staff to the board chair to see how programs interrelate to advance the organization’s mission in a sustainable manner.

Contact Information

  • Steve Zimmerman – | 414.226.2322
  • Steve Strang – | 414.727.4676
  • Chris Fink – | 414.727.1029

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