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Dear friends and colleagues,

Each of us has a vision of the community we want to live in – a community that honors and values our neighbors and lifts them up when needed. A community where people treat each other as equals with the respect they deserve and the knowledge that our diversity makes us stronger. A community with an education system where children will be safe and prepared for whatever their future may hold and a community that is rich in cultural assets with an understanding of our collective history and story. A community which appreciates and nurtures the art in all our lives and where each of us is free and empowered to fulfill our individual dreams and yet realize that working together with trust and respect are the best ways to achieve them.  Lastly, a community that isn’t afraid to look into the mirror, acknowledge its shortcomings, and dream up ways to be better.

This utopia community may not exist – yet – but every day people are working toward creating the type of community in which we want to live. By working and volunteering for nonprofits, people come together to share their dreams, mold them into collective visions for the future, and then work together to implement, learn, refine, and ultimately realize our mutual potential. Spectrum Nonprofit Services’ mission is to provide management and strategy expertise to enable nonprofits to work more effectively as they better our society and enrich our lives. Working in partnership with committed staff and volunteer leadership, we strive to provide the tools necessary for organizations to deliver exceptional impact in a financially viable manner. This includes listening to our neighbors and constituents, understanding our place in the community and building and bringing out the inherent strengths in all of our leaders.

Now, more than ever, we need to be engaged in our communities – defining how we want them to be, being inclusive of multiple perspectives and working together for the benefit of all community members. It starts with being engaged. Vibrant communities don’t just happen. They start with people stepping forward. As we enter our 10th year, all of us at Spectrum are grateful to those who step forward. We invite all to do so and await the opportunity to partner in turning passion into action and in building better communities for all of us to live in, together.

Steve Zimmerman, CPA
Principal, Spectrum Nonprofit Services

In 2017, Spectrum is celebrating 10 years in partnership with committed nonprofit leaders. Our annual report reflects on where we’ve been and where we are going in the year to come.

View Spectrum’s 2016 Annual Report


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